Our Services

Wealth Management

The goal is to help you effectively grow, manage, and protect your wealth. Working together, we’ll customize strategies to meet your unique financial situation and objectives.

Your Wealth Management Plan

Using a personalized five-step process, we create the most effective wealth management plan. Here’s the process we use:

This initial review establishes the groundwork of your unique set of circumstances to help us create appropriate risk management strategies. In this step, we’ll consolidate all your financial information, quantify your goals, and develop a personal financial plan.
In this step, we combine information about your personal risk tolerance, marginal tax bracket, time horizon of investment objectives, and cash flow needs with economic analysis. With this information, we can design your customized asset allocation model.
Writing your Investment Strategy Proposal (ISP) is the most important—and most overlooked—step in the process because it provides guidance for implementation.
Once your ISP is complete, we’ll diligently research the most appropriate platforms, investment options, and financial strategies to meet your unique needs. Then we’ll coordinate these strategies with your financial team members, including your CPA.
You’ll receive quarterly account summaries as well as your wealth management strategies and portfolio’s return. To effectively coordinate your investment plan, we’ll hold periodic meetings with your wealth management team to review your information and make adjustments when needed.

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Start your journey to financial success

Ready to take your first step toward a brighter financial future? Our experienced advisors are ready to partner with you. Reach out today to schedule your initial no-cost consultation.

Watson Watson Financial Services